
Thursday, October 13, 2005

Horse Abuse Case: Man drags horse with truck

I couldn't believe this:

Trevor McKinley tied a horse to a truck and dragged it until the horse collapsed from exhaustion. The horse had severe dehydration from loss of sweat and the hooves had been worn down to the bones. (!!!!)

This 'man' said that the horse tried to bite his children.
Apparently he bought the horse for his daughter and is claiming "ignorance" (right, like someone can drag an animal half to death and think it's OK...)

A jury will decide whether he is guilty of abuse or if he was just "ignorant" (In my opinion, that's just as bad).

The news story doesn't mention if the horse will live or not, but if an injury is so bad as to have worn away the sole of the hoof, I doubt the horse will make it. Even cases of founder where a horse's bone has come through the sole of the hoof are mostly fatal because the sensitive laminae is easily infected and has a hard time healing. Injuries to the sensitive laminae of a horse's hoof are extremely painful (think splinters jammed under your toenails) and the amount of pain this horse must have experienced is unthinkable. I hope the horse is receiving proper veterinary care.

I've never seen, or heard of anyone, going so far as to work a horse to the point of collapse. It's unheard of. He must have dragged the horse an incredible distance to cause it to be dehydrated nearly to the point of death.

Now, he and his lawyers are trying to claim "ignorance". What kind of an excuse is that?? What kind of a lawyer would take this case? You can't do a thing as barbaric as this man did out of 'ignorance'. You just can't. After a short time the horse would begin to sweat, stumble, and limp as its hooves wore away. A person could never let a horse get to such bad shape unless they were intentionally trying to hurt it.

The sad part is, if he's convicted, he faces a maximum of a year in jail or $1,000 fine or both. Most horses cost more than tha.
If he had done this to another person's horse, he'd be facing several thousand dollars in veterinary bills plus the price of the horse. I just don't see a $1,000 fine being enough.

I wonder what breed/age/sex the horse is (its a male) and if it will live. If anyone has more info let me know. If I find more info I'll post it.

Some people should never have horses.

*rant over*



    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:40 AM, November 11, 2005  

  • I can't believe someone would go to that extreme over a horse trying to bite someone, spray him with a water hose or something don't drag him to his death!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:49 AM, November 22, 2005  

  • Any more details on this? I'm surprised this did not make the national press.

    By Blogger Brady Westwater, at 9:37 AM, December 04, 2005  

  • Looked up press reports and he was convicted but only got 15 dyas in jail - woith no work release. But he did have to pay a $1,000 fine AND $4,500 in vet bills.

    I kind of agree with that sentence since with kids to support and $5,500 to pay, it'd likely be impossible for him to meet those obligations if he was in jail for a year.

    The horse is a ten month old colt who seems to have had only some minor body abrasions other than the very severe hoof damage. Nothing in the local paper past October 30th on the horse's condition.

    By Blogger Brady Westwater, at 9:48 AM, December 04, 2005  

  • Yep, I say drag this guy to the point of exaustion and let's make sure he's barefooted.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:07 PM, December 30, 2005  

  • oh no, he can have shoes on, im sure the horse prob. did, well juss drive longer until they wear down too!!
    NO horse deserves to be treated this way, not even if they kill someone. WE are the ones who are training them, its OUR own risk!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:22 PM, December 31, 2005  

  • To be that cruel, that mean, that EVIL, and live?!? What kind of life is THIS to live?? People used to love horses, animals!! What happened? Doesn't the world CARE anymore about ANYTHING??? devin's punishment (see above)sounded good to me! If I EVER, I mean EVER find that guy, SO HELP ME I will personally see to it that he goes to jail for the rest of his life for animal abuse! Thank You : )

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:47 PM, January 06, 2006  

  • That is so cruel!!!! they could at least give the horse to a good and nice owner.... to think that someone would be so mean i would send that man to die or something... it's so sad i could cry!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:45 PM, February 13, 2006  

  • i mean doesnt he know how it feels???? maybe we could take a truck and drag him across some jagged rocks!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:47 PM, February 13, 2006  

  • It is unbelievable that he would claim ignorance. Ignorance means that you are unknowledgeable to some particular thing, you do NOT unknowledgably tie a horse to your truck, and drag it! If you are ignorant to the ways of horses, then DO NOT GET ONE!!! $1,000 and vet bills is not enough, why dont people understand this! He DRUG a horse almost to the point of death! Some people think that they can do whatever they want to animals, just because they are not human. Personally, I prefer horses to humans.
    Equine cruelty and abuse... I think people should be made to withstand what they did to their poor horses, lets see how they think it feels! ARRRGH!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:33 AM, February 18, 2006  

  • That's AWFUL!!! That's soooooo cruel! That man evil! I agree with what devin says. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:30 PM, March 13, 2006  

  • OMG! I can't believe this guy knew what he was doing he would not have bought the colt for his daughter. Not a good age to start your little girl on. Grr ... then expect not even a year old colt not to act up at all just nipping is an easy habit to break at that age and he isn't old enough to be gelded so what is wrong with this guy! He had no buisness having the horse in the first place if he though dragging the poor creature half to death was going to solve the problem he doesn't deserve to have an animal he doesn't deserve to be near any animal or even touch one. He should have a harsher punishment than what he got thats only like a slap on the wrist to what he deserves... he had no buisness buying a 10 month old colt and expect it to be well behaved and drag it half to death ... grr lol sorry for my essay i guess i better go to bed before i get to worked up over this lol ...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:26 PM, March 28, 2006  

  • That man should have his feet cut off and forced to run on broken glass until he can't feel the pain anymore!!!!!! Ignorant and uneducated people like that disgust me...imagine what he must do to his children?? Horses created the person I am today :o) I be lost in life without horses. Horses inspire me, motivate me and give me faith. I LOVE HORSES!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:10 PM, July 13, 2006  

  • You don't get your daughter a 10 month old colt. Ignorance??!!! HA!!! STUPIDITY is more like it. I love horses and the fact that someone can do something this mean to a horse sickens me. Make him run across broken glass so he feels tons of pain!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:08 PM, August 30, 2006  

  • You can't get any stupider than this. How can a man plead ignorance to this? This goes beyond ignorance. The man should plead insanity and if that dosent work then send him to a mental institute. If he did this to a horse then whos to say he won't do the same or worse again?
    Some people are plain stupid.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:40 PM, November 29, 2006  

  • Some of you sound just as bad as the man. The man should lose his childern. He has control problems. He lose his temper to fast. And he does to far. He needs to be made to get help for his temper. And not to be able to get another animal.
    Childern should not be given back to his wife. Because she needs to get help too.
    Till both can prove that they are not a danger to the childern they can have them back.
    And because the have hurt the childern the should have to get help too.
    Both man and wife has to pay out of their own money everything.
    Is this not the better way then killing the man.
    And national press there is only have so much time.
    So they will take the horse away but he still has his childern. What are they going to say when he kills or hurt one of them. Of course the horse is more importent.
    This man has anger problems he has childern and you are just worry about the horse.
    So its do not hurt the horse. Kill your child. That is a good one.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:38 PM, July 13, 2007  

  • This man is obviously a jerk and a mental midget. I do not think that his sentence was severe enough. He should really pay for this criminal act. Think about the uproar if someone did this to another human being. What is the difference horses are live animals and yes they do have emotions, personality and feelings. What really angers me is the fact that they are helpless, and the fact that that horse probably kept going and going with a hear of gold and at the mercy of this pyscho lunatic. He really should pay and the jury should have used him as an example. 5,500 is not nearly severe enough.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:50 PM, October 11, 2007  

  • I can't beileve someone would Do this. I know that people are more important than animals and that his children should be taken away, but still. Who could stoop so low. If he wasn't ready to deal with the responsibility of an unbroken colt, he should'nt have bought him. Poor horse...

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:07 AM, March 14, 2008  

  • I totally agree w/ devin!! someone should drag him behind a truck!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:17 PM, March 15, 2008  


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:25 PM, June 18, 2008  

  • what in the world why would someone do something so crazy like that? that man is so evil and he needs to get whatever charges comes his way.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 4:27 AM, September 04, 2008  

  • Some people shouldn't own horses, but you have to think about any other animals and his family that may be in that situation as well. If he would do that to a horse what is stopping him from doing it to his kids and wife? If his "temper" can take him far enough to find a rope, tie it to the horse and the truck and DRAG the horse what dose he do to his family? Also, the steps involved in tying that horse up are more like premeditated murder when excercized on another human being than a fit of anger. Why should he be able to plea ignorance. A straigh up horse abuse charge would've been more fitting.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:03 AM, September 16, 2008  

  • i hate to sware, but that man belongs in hell. luckily when the end of the earth comes, that horrible man will stand in front of the good lord god, and be judged, and you betcha, he is going to hell!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:27 PM, December 31, 2008  

  • i have a good punishment for the man! lets take his shoes off tie him to a truck, and drag him until he cant feel his feet anymore, then when he looks good and sorry and battered well toss him in a jail cell, FOR LIFE! WHO AGREES WITH ME!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:29 PM, December 31, 2008  

  • Ive heard about the story or a simlair one. One I think happen in La, with Habitatforhorses.org rescuing the horse. To add to this our Program called the Top Ten Rescues for donations collect funds for these rescues every month and can be viewed at www.SaveDaHorses.org see some our previous winners and our present listing for the month of February. please spread the word donations start at $10.59

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:02 PM, February 02, 2009  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger maria, at 11:56 AM, February 05, 2009  

  • omg he should be in jail for life how can he take a butiful animal and just hurt it this is wrong and he should not get off his punishment and it should be bigger then what he got if i was his lawer i would not even take a case like that because we all know he did wrong there is not ifs ands or buts about it i think anyone that is going to hurt animals should be aressted and not alound to have animals again and also i think that what he did is so stupid i mean its not like the horses killed the kid he/she olny tryed to bite the kid maybe the kid was being annoying did he ever think about that no he just wanted a reason to hurt it

    By Blogger maria, at 11:31 AM, February 23, 2009  

  • omg that is horrible like who would do that who ever did that should be punished and dragged behind a truck!!!!!!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:07 PM, March 02, 2009  

  • OMG i can't believe that someone would do something sooo horrible to a horse i mean yes sometimes horses do stuff that you don't always like but you don't drag the horse to its death like he did! :(

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:21 PM, March 29, 2009  

  • what happend to the man who did this?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:14 PM, April 13, 2009  

  • I would love to drag him behind my car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:49 AM, February 05, 2010  

  • Lets drag him on the back of a truck and see how it feels

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:57 PM, June 05, 2010  

  • this isn't the first time horses have been used to the point of collapse. unfortunately lots of horses got worked to the death in the mines so it's not like this is a rare instance, but animals are animals and even they have their bad unpredictable days. this guy should have been an adult and just taught his kids the dangers of being around horses and how to be careful.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:36 AM, June 30, 2010  

  • Trust me, even worse things are done to horses every day. You should have to have a license to own a horse or other animal or to have a child. No living being should be forced to endure pain. Especially not from the being that is responsible for its care. Please visit newhopehorses.org to donate and make a difference in a horse's life. There's also a link to a wonderful conservatively sexy calendar for sale on the website that portrays women and their horses. All of the money raised goes to the horses are the sanctuary. Please donate, please help.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:33 PM, August 02, 2010  

  • I love horses i have tweo of my own and I treat them with care I cant believe how ignorant people can be heartless people just because their animals don't mean that they have feelings I would die if something would happened to my horses or any other animal...STOP the cruelty people please!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:34 AM, December 07, 2010  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:57 PM, February 26, 2011  

  • I cannot comprehend this level of animal abuse, it is outrageous! I recently came across a Russian article, and it's beyond me how people can do this:

    Recently six horses, two of which were foals and two pregnant mares, were burnt alive in Dzerzhinsk, Russia as a "precaution" against the African swine fever virus due to an epidemic in nearby swine farms, which started on February 18. According to Russian law, in the case of ASF only infected pigs can be killed, but other animals, horses, cows, dogs, cats etc. can only be quarantined. The disease is only fatal to pigs, but not to other animals, hence the brutal killing of the horses is an outrage and illegal.

    The owner of the horse farm reported that OMON (Russian equivalent of SWAT) burst into the farm late in the evening, shot the five dogs front of the owners and children, and then took the horses and kept them barricaded with tractors while they were being burnt.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:58 PM, February 26, 2011  

  • WOW i would say the same thing he should no no would have been told that the horse bites . and if he was not told why the owner was selling the horse then why did he not ask that is just stupid the last horse i bought had a bad habbit and the owner could not break so he gave up. why would you treet a horse like that is you want to disiplen your horse you lung it not tie it to the back of your truck no matter what that is abuse- crulty and stupidity not ignorence. and if he got his horse back some one had better fine him and buy that horse and all his horses

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:59 AM, April 26, 2011  

  • I just can't beleive that! it's so barabaric and unhuman! That poor horse! Hooray for people out there trying to stop animal abuse!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:15 AM, August 24, 2011  

  • This makes me so mad that someone could be so mean and so stupid to do something like that! I am glad that they are trying to stop animal abuse because it really is detrimental to the animals mind and how they will view humans again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:17 PM, September 12, 2011  

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