Can Horse Dewormers Poison Dogs?
Got a strange question regarding dewormers:
Gross as it is, my dogs eat horse poop. I worry that they could get poisoned
after I deworm the horses. Is this reasonable, or does the toxin somehow get
denatured as it passes through the horse?
If anyone out there knows.... please comment or email!
My dogs, two 50-60 pound German Shepherds eat horse poop, too. (I guess it's not that strange, LoL). I feed Shadow, my horse, Strongid T or whatever. And my dogs are happy and healthy!
By Anonymous, at 4:58 PM, August 02, 2005
All dogs eat horse poop. In fact, the American Indian word for dog litteraly means, "Horse poop eater". My dogs are fines and I think the dewormer kills all worms, but you might want to wait a few days, just in case, to let your dogs out. Better safe then sorry.
By Anonymous, at 6:47 AM, August 11, 2005
Dogs are wormed with the same wormer that horses are, but in a smaller dose so the amout of wormer that they will actually consume is minimal and shouldn't hurt them.
By Anonymous, at 11:16 AM, March 22, 2007
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