
Thursday, July 14, 2005

Horse Meat For Dinner?

A restaurant in New Zealand has started serving a dish called "Mr. Ed is Dead"-- horse steaks. The restaurant is called Canvas and is located in Hamilton, North Island, NZ.

Restaurant owner David Kerr said Wednesday that he received lots of complaints
and abusive phone calls after he started serving horse steaks at his eatery in
Hamilton, North Island, as part of an annual event during which restaurateurs
compete to offer the best out-of-the-ordinary culinary delights to diners.

And the other news story:

Wild horses, Kaimanawa or otherwise, could not drag Sir Patrick to the dish.
"I'm not impressed at all at the fact that horse meat is available as a delicacy
in a restaurant in Hamilton," he said. The dish was "distasteful". "My life with
horses has been my passion," said Sir Patrick. "If it was the last restaurant in
Hamilton I wouldn't be having it." Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?c_id=1&ObjectID=10335737

Canvas Restaurant Contact Details:
1 Grantham Street Hamilton
Phone 0-7-839 2535
Website: http://www.mcafe.co.nz/page/mcafe_3.php


  • I agree with Sir Patrick. Horse steaks!?! I wouldn't eat that even if that was the only food on this earth!!!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:58 AM, November 29, 2005  

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